Tracksuits aren’t just a style of workout clothes. They actually give you a lot of benefits. Take a look at these 6 reasons you need a good tracksuit.
The tracksuit, or jogging suit as it’s sometimes called, is enjoying a bit of a renaissance. Celebrities from Rihanna to Gwen Stefani are incorporating them into their day-to-day wardrobes.
But the original intent may still be the best purpose. In the following article, we will be discussing why tracksuits should be a part of every person’s sports gear.
There are six reasons, in particular.
Increases Calorie Burn
Tracksuits are not as effective as the workout itself for burning calories. But they can still make a difference by increasing body temperature during strenuous exercise. This makes the body work a little harder and exert additional energy.
There is even a tracksuit specialty called a “sauna suit” that you can wear into the sauna. It is effective in helping with temporary weight loss. Specifically, it aids in eliminating “water weight” from the body through excessive perspiration.
Unlike traditional suits — made largely from synthetic fibers and mesh — a sauna suit uses a specially-coated material like nylon or PVC. Some wear it for outdoor runs during the summer months.
We wouldn’t recommend this use as a sauna allows you to control the environment a little better than a run in your neighborhood. You can step out of a sauna and get a glass of water and AC when you need it.
On the other hand, dehydrating or over-heating two miles from your front door can turn into a matter of life and death. This also can be a concern for traditional tracksuits.
Regulates Body Temperature
A tracksuit can increase body temperature during a workout. It also can lower body temperature from a resting state regardless of the season. It just depends on your goal.
It may be long sleeves, long pants, and a zipper. But it has the ability to keep you as cool as it does warm. It manages this feat by keeping the elements at bay.
It’s all in how you wear it. For cold and windier conditions, you might consider wearing yours under a heavier coat. Hotter, more sweltering conditions may dictate you to wear nothing underneath or perhaps just a T-shirt and then the lower piece over a pair of shorts.
Guards Against Environmental Hazards
A tracksuit during the summer likely seems counterintuitive. At least, it does until you consider the possibility of death by heatstroke. Each year, one person per 2 million in the US alone die of it.
That’s not a crazy, out-of-control number. But it seems like every August, we hear about a high school football player in prime shape dropping dead of it during a practice. The message becomes clear: it can happen to any of us.
Heatstroke occurs when the body overheats. Exposure to the sun is a major factor for this. A tracksuit can greatly reduce the amount of UV your skin takes in.
This will keep you from overheating. (Even if it doesn’t necessarily feel like you’re wearing your own personal air conditioner while it’s on.)
Last but not least, wearing a tracksuit outside reduces the likelihood of skin damage caused by the sun. It also makes you a less-appealing meal plan for mosquitos.
Wicks Away Moisture
One of the most brutal things about winter isn’t the falling temperature. It’s a mixture of cold, wind, and precipitation.
When winter weather hits, tracksuit materials can reduce the amount of wind and rain that seeps through into your clothing and skin. It can make a huge difference in staving off colds and flu.
Likewise, during those wild summer storms, it may not be able to keep you warm and dry, but it can greatly reduce how much moisture gets through.
Improves Mobility
We’ll assume you still lead an active life if you carry around your sports gear. Making sure a tracksuit is part of that will ultimately improve your mobility and keep you “warmed up” and ready to rock.
As we’ve discussed before, warming up before a workout is vital for a number of reasons. In a nutshell, it helps you with the following:
Stretching out your muscles: a better stretch means a better overall performance.
Pumping blood throughout the body: getting blood flow to your extremities helps them come alive and support the remainder of your workout.
Reducing the likelihood of injury: if your body is in the best state for performance, then it will be its own best weapon for stumbles, falls, trips, pulls, or overextensions.
Getting you in the right frame of mind to perform: if you feel ready, you’ll be ready.
What do tracksuits have to do with any of this? They prevent everything from stiffness to anxiety, and they keep you physically and mentally comfortable in between active cycles.
Merges Comfort and Fashion
Wearing these “warmups” to an athletic endeavor can certainly keep you comfortable as discussed in No. 5. But let’s not gloss over tracksuit fashion.
During the 1980s and again in the early 2000s, sports and entertainment celebrities could be seen wearing tracksuits of their favorite teams or colors in non-sports situations. Fashion tends to move on a 20- to 30-year cycle.
And as we touched on at the beginning of this article, the tracksuit is having another moment. Today, it’s never been easier to customize yours with the materials and advertising collateral of your choice.
Computers make it possible to upload an image you created or bought onto a standard tracksuit pattern of your choice and get a fully customized wardrobe addition within a few days. You can wear sports teams, superheroes, video game characters. You name it.
It’s a merger of comfort, function, and fashion. And that merger is why we’ll probably be talking about this resilient piece of gear for years to come.
What Is Your Favorite Tracksuit Benefit?
We’ve laid out several above. It’s entirely possible some were missed in the process. You may have your own personal reasons for loving the tracksuit.
If so, we’d love to hear them. And while you’re here, make sure you take some time to browse through our current tracksuit selection.